Create top 10 cash cow faceless videos for youtube channel
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Weekly Rate/Number of weeks  
40.00 $
Processing Fees (4.5%)
1.80 $
What people loved about this seller

Our Cash Cow video editing team, where creativity meets precision, consists of professional scriptwriters, premium AI voiceover technology, talented human voiceover artists, high-quality video editors, and SEO and research experts, all dedicated to transforming content into captivating narratives that engage our viewers.

We are the unparalleled maestros of crafting high quality cash cow videos in a mere 24 to 48 hours. With a decade of YouTube automation expertise and as YouTube coaches specializing in*****success, we've achieved excellence with over 1500 happy clients, delivering unmatched results and ensuring complete satisfaction.

About the seller



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1 month ago

Member Since

May 10, 2024

Hi, I am You tuber and a Professional Video editor. I have experience more than 7 years in the industry and I know exactly what kind of videos to produce. I am the cheapest in the market and the best. My goal is to create unique and excellent videos My goal is to deliver GOOSEBUMPS to your audience, customers and viewers!

How to monetized YouTube Channel

Create Compelling Content: Before anything else, focus on creating high-quality, engaging content that resonates with your target audience. Whether it's tutorials, reviews, vlogs, or something else, make sure your content adds value and keeps viewers coming back for more. Enable Monetization: To start earning money from your YouTube videos, you need to join the YouTube Partner Program (YPP). Eligibility requirements typically include having at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in the past 12 months. Once eligible, you can apply for monetization through your YouTube account settings. Ad Revenue: The primary way YouTubers make money is through ad revenue. Once your channel is approved for monetization, YouTube will place ads on your videos, and you'll earn a share of the revenue generated from those ads. The amount you earn depends on factors like ad format, viewer engagement, and advertiser demand. Channel Memberships: If you have a loyal fanbase, you can enable channel memberships, allowing viewers to subscribe to your channel for a monthly fee in exchange for perks like badges, emojis, exclusive content, or live chat privileges.

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Weekly Rate/Number of weeks  
40.00 $
Processing Fees (4.5%)
1.80 $
This job has no reviews.
Weekly Rate/Number of weeks  
40.00 $
Processing Fees (4.5%)
1.80 $
Weekly Rate/Number of weeks  
40.00 $
Processing Fees (4.5%)
1.80 $
  • You pay only the listed price without any hidden costs.
  • We keep your money until you are happy with the delivered work.
  • The job will be done or your money will be returned.

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