I will write business writing for b2b saas content, marketing blogs
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Job Quantity
80.00 $
Processing Fees (4.5%)
3.60 $
What people loved about this seller

Are you a B2B SaaS company looking to attract and convert more leads with content marketing?

Description: Look no further! With my expertise in content marketing for B2B SaaS companies, I'll develop a targeted content strategy to engage your audience and drive conversions. From informative blog posts and whitepapers to compelling case studies and email campaigns, I'll create content that resonates with your target audience and positions you as an industry leader. Let's fuel your growth with content that converts.

What you will get:
Ranking blogs
Showcase your expertise
Engaging & Persuasive content
Convert visitors into customers
Email sequences that keep your audience engaged.

Why hire me:
3 Years Experience ‍️
12 hours turnaround
Easily readable content
100% grammatically correct & unique content with reports.

Package 1: Get informative, thought-provoking content of 500 words within 12 hours.

Package 2: Scale your business with hooking, persuasive content of 1000 words.

Package 3: Get visibility, increase conversions with storytelling content of 1500 words.

Content-Type - Blog, Review Article, Affiliate blogs, Web Content, SaaS Content, Marketing Blogs, Technical Content, Business writing, SaaS writing.

Let's take your content to the next level and drive results!

Contact me!

About the seller



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Last Seen

1 month ago

Member Since

May 14, 2024


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Job Quantity
80.00 $
Processing Fees (4.5%)
3.60 $
This job has no reviews.
Job Quantity
80.00 $
Processing Fees (4.5%)
3.60 $
Job Quantity
80.00 $
Processing Fees (4.5%)
3.60 $
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  • We keep your money until you are happy with the delivered work.
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