I will setup hyper targeted linkedin ads and other social media
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package Rate/Number of package  
110.00 $
Processing Fees (4.5%)
0.05 $
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Unlock Business Growth: Expert LinkedIn Ads & Social Media Targeting"


Are you ready to supercharge your business's online presence? Look no further! With my specialized service, I'll set up hyper-targeted LinkedIn ads and craft precise social media targeting strategies across various platforms to propel your brand to new heights.

Here's what I offer in this gig:

Hyper-Targeted LinkedIn Ads: Harness the power of LinkedIn's professional network with meticulously crafted ad campaigns. I'll optimize your ads to reach the exact audience you're targeting, ensuring maximum engagement and ROI.

Comprehensive Social Media Targeting: From Facebook to Twitter and beyond, I'll develop tailored targeting strategies for each platform. By honing in on demographics, interests, and behaviors, your ads will reach the right people at the right time.

Customized Ad Creatives: Stand out from the crowd with captivating ad creatives designed to capture attention and drive action. Whether it's compelling copy or eye-catching visuals, I'll ensure your ads leave a lasting impression on your target audience.

Continuous Optimization: I don't just set up your ads and leave them be—I continuously monitor.

Ready to elevate your online advertising game? Let's get started today! Order now to unlock the full potential of hyper-targeted LinkedIn ads and social media targeting for your business.

About the seller



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Last Seen

1 month ago

Member Since

May 9, 2024

Hi there, I'm ConnectGenius, a solo entrepreneur with exceptional expertise in designing e-commerce stores and setting up Facebook and Instagram shops. With a wealth of experience and a keen eye for design, I have built a strong reputation for creating visually stunning and highly functional online stores across various platforms, including Shopify, Wix, Squarespace, and more.In addition to e-commerce design, I also specialize in ad setup, helping you reach your target audience effectively through strategic advertising campaigns. My comprehensive skill set ensures your online presence is not only attractive but also optimized for success.I'm excited about the opportunity to work on your project and bring your e-commerce vision to life. Let's collaborate and make your project a resounding success!

Description Creation of one progressive campaign & Design a eye-catching visuals for the ad. Implement advanced strategies, A/B Testing, 2 Ads with different format, Report at the end, Support. Enhanced ad copy, Lead generation form, Ad budget allocation, Consultation session, Weekly report.
Delivery time 3 days 5 days 7 days
Revisions Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Price 110.00 $ 180.00 $ 260.00 $
110.00 $
Creation of one progressive campaign & Design a eye-catching visuals for the ad.
What's included?
  • Revisions: Unlimited
  • Delivery time: 3 days
180.00 $
Implement advanced strategies, A/B Testing, 2 Ads with different format, Report at the end, Support.
What's included?
  • Revisions: Unlimited
  • Delivery time: 5 days
260.00 $
Enhanced ad copy, Lead generation form, Ad budget allocation, Consultation session, Weekly report.
What's included?
  • Revisions: Unlimited
  • Delivery time: 7 days

Do you guarantee Sales and Leads on every ad campaign?

No, I can not guarantee sales or leads. I only set up good ads and help you advertise your business to a lot of people on Linkedin. Sales, leads, and profits are up to you and your product or service.

I am confused about the packages. Not sure which one to choose?

Hey there, if you are confused about the packages, feel free to knock me in the inbox and consult with me with all your requirements. It is always better to discuss and then move to work.

Additional Details
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package Rate/Number of package  
110.00 $
Processing Fees (4.5%)
0.05 $
This job has no reviews.
3 days delivery
Unlimited revisions
Creation of one progressive campaign & Design a eye-catching visuals for the ad.
Compare Packages
package Rate/Number of package  
110.00 $
Processing Fees (4.5%)
0.05 $
5 days delivery
Unlimited revisions
Implement advanced strategies, A/B Testing, 2 Ads with different format, Report at the end, Support.
Compare Packages
package Rate/Number of package  
180.00 $
Processing Fees (4.5%)
0.05 $
7 days delivery
Unlimited revisions
Enhanced ad copy, Lead generation form, Ad budget allocation, Consultation session, Weekly report.
Compare Packages
package Rate/Number of package  
260.00 $
Processing Fees (4.5%)
0.05 $
  • You pay only the listed price without any hidden costs.
  • We keep your money until you are happy with the delivered work.
  • The job will be done or your money will be returned.

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