I will set up instagram shopping, facebook shop and integrate with shopify, etsy
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package Rate/Number of package  
5.00 $
Processing Fees (4.5%)
0.05 $
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Boost Your E-Commerce Success: Instagram Shopping, Facebook Shop, and Shopify/Etsy Integration Exper


Are you ready to take your online business to the next level? Look no further! With my comprehensive service, I'll help you seamlessly integrate Instagram Shopping and Facebook Shop with your Shopify or Etsy store, unlocking a world of potential customers and skyrocketing your sales.

Here's what you can expect from my gig:

Instagram Shopping Setup: Harness the power of Instagram by setting up your Instagram Shopping feature. I'll guide you through the process of tagging products in your posts and stories, making it easier than ever for your followers to purchase directly from your feed.

Facebook Shop Creation: Expand your online presence with a fully optimized Facebook Shop. I'll create and customize your shop to reflect your brand identity, making it effortless for your Facebook audience to browse and buy your products without leaving the platform.

Seamless Shopify/Etsy Integration: Whether you're using Shopify or Etsy as your e-commerce platform, I'll seamlessly integrate your Instagram Shopping and Facebook Shop with your existing store. Say goodbye to manual syncing and hello to automated product updates across all your channels.

Optimization for Conversions: I don't just stop at setup—I'll optimize your Instagram and Facebook storefronts to maximize conversions. From compelling product descriptions to eye-catch

About the seller



2 reviews



Last Seen

3 weeks ago

Member Since

May 9, 2024

Hi there, I'm ConnectGenius, a solo entrepreneur with exceptional expertise in designing e-commerce stores and setting up Facebook and Instagram shops. With a wealth of experience and a keen eye for design, I have built a strong reputation for creating visually stunning and highly functional online stores across various platforms, including Shopify, Wix, Squarespace, and more.In addition to e-commerce design, I also specialize in ad setup, helping you reach your target audience effectively through strategic advertising campaigns. My comprehensive skill set ensures your online presence is not only attractive but also optimized for success.I'm excited about the opportunity to work on your project and bring your e-commerce vision to life. Let's collaborate and make your project a resounding success!

Description Set up Facebook shop + Add 5 products Set up Instagram shopping & Facebook shop + add 20 products Set up Instagram shopping & Facebook shop + add 35 products
Delivery time 7 days 9 days 10 days
Revisions Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Price 5.00 $ 70.00 $ 85.00 $
5.00 $
Set up Facebook shop + Add 5 products
What's included?
  • Revisions: Unlimited
  • Delivery time: 7 days
70.00 $
Set up Instagram shopping & Facebook shop + add 20 products
What's included?
  • Revisions: Unlimited
  • Delivery time: 9 days
85.00 $
Set up Instagram shopping & Facebook shop + add 35 products
What's included?
  • Revisions: Unlimited
  • Delivery time: 10 days

Any discount?

Yes. For my first 5 clients on efrelance, I will take the payment whatever they want to pay. Also if not satisfied I will refund the full money and will do the work fully free.

Do I need Facebook page and Instagram account for the shops?

Yes Facebook page and instagram business account is needed for the shops

Can i connect my Instagram shop with my Ecommerce website?


Additional Details
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package Rate/Number of package  
5.00 $
Processing Fees (4.5%)
0.05 $
7 days delivery
Unlimited revisions
Set up Facebook shop + Add 5 products
Compare Packages
package Rate/Number of package  
5.00 $
Processing Fees (4.5%)
0.05 $
9 days delivery
Unlimited revisions
Set up Instagram shopping & Facebook shop + add 20 products
Compare Packages
package Rate/Number of package  
70.00 $
Processing Fees (4.5%)
0.05 $
10 days delivery
Unlimited revisions
Set up Instagram shopping & Facebook shop + add 35 products
Compare Packages
package Rate/Number of package  
85.00 $
Processing Fees (4.5%)
0.05 $
  • You pay only the listed price without any hidden costs.
  • We keep your money until you are happy with the delivered work.
  • The job will be done or your money will be returned.

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