I will community manager et créatrice de vidéos ugc
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Job Quantity
30.00 $
Processing Fees (4.5%)
1.35 $
What people loved about this seller

Maximize Your Social Media Presence with Comprehensive Virtual Assistance!

Ready to excel on social media? Let me be your virtual assistant, handling social media management, content creation, and TikTok community management.

What I offer:
1. Social Media Strategy: Planning and executing strategies across platforms to boost engagement and growth.
2. Creative Content: Crafting captivating visuals, captions, and videos that resonate with your audience.
3. TikTok Community Building: Fostering an active and engaged community on TikTok through interaction and engagement.
4. Trend Tracking: Staying updated on trends to keep your content fresh and relevant.
5. Analytics Monitoring: Tracking performance metrics to refine strategies for optimal results.
6. Calendar Management: Organizing content calendars and scheduling posts for consistent visibility.
7. Ongoing Support: Providing dedicated assistance and guidance for your social media success.

With my expertise, your brand will thrive on social media. Let's elevate your presence together. Reach out to get started.

About the seller



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Last Seen

1 month ago

Member Since

May 9, 2024


What's included in your Premium Package?

I will create 4 Facebook group posts ads to promote your Facebook group for new members. Excludes ad spend, this is paid to Facebook direct in your ads manager.

What's included in your Standard Package?

Create 1 Facebook group page, includes new banner design, bio, rules, tags, custom url, admin assist, update page settings and 2 group posts.

What's included in your Basic Package?

give an in-depth Facebook Group Strategy with 4 week Content Calendar Approx 2-3 page repor

What can’t I sell or promote on Facebook?

Facebook (Meta) Advertising Policies provide guidance on what types of ad content are allowed. When advertisers upload ads to Meta, each ad is reviewed against these policies. Here are Meta's guidelines, which I fully adhere to: https://www.facebook.com/policies_center/ads

Additional Details
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Job Quantity
30.00 $
Processing Fees (4.5%)
1.35 $
This job has no reviews.
Job Quantity
30.00 $
Processing Fees (4.5%)
1.35 $
Job Quantity
30.00 $
Processing Fees (4.5%)
1.35 $
  • You pay only the listed price without any hidden costs.
  • We keep your money until you are happy with the delivered work.
  • The job will be done or your money will be returned.

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