I will shopify dropshipping ecommerce marketing etsy pinterest shop manager prom
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50.00 $
Processing Fees (4.5%)
2.25 $
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Boost Your Shopify Dropshipping & Etsy/Pinterest Shop with Expert E-commerce Marketing & Promotion!

Ready to skyrocket your sales? Let me manage your Shopify dropshipping store and Etsy/Pinterest shop with targeted marketing and promotion.

Here's what's included:
1. Shop Management: Efficiently handle product listings, inventory, and order processing for seamless operations.
2. Strategic Marketing: Develop customized marketing strategies to attract and engage your target audience across platforms.
3. Social Media Promotion: Create compelling content and run targeted ads on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Etsy, and Pinterest.
4. Email Marketing: Design and execute email campaigns to nurture leads, promote products, and drive conversions.
5. SEO Optimization: Implement SEO best practices to improve search visibility and drive organic traffic to your stores.
6. Influencer Collaboration: Identify and collaborate with influencers to expand your reach and increase brand awareness.
7. Performance Tracking: Monitor key metrics, analyze results, and adjust strategies to maximize ROI and achieve your business goals.

With my expertise, your e-commerce business will thrive. Let's elevate your sales and grow your brand together. Contact me to get started.

About the seller



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Last Seen

1 month ago

Member Since

May 9, 2024


Do you guarantee sales with your package?

Yes! sales is assured once all steps is followed.

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Job Quantity
50.00 $
Processing Fees (4.5%)
2.25 $
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Job Quantity
50.00 $
Processing Fees (4.5%)
2.25 $
Job Quantity
50.00 $
Processing Fees (4.5%)
2.25 $
  • You pay only the listed price without any hidden costs.
  • We keep your money until you are happy with the delivered work.
  • The job will be done or your money will be returned.

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